Micro Power Generators for vibration energy harvesting
The goal of this research project is to build an autonomous microsystem that includes a micro power generator that scavenges vibration from its environment and converts it into electrical power. The system includes a piezoelectric MEMS vibration transducer and dedicated analog ICs for the conversion of the generator power into stable DC current. This project has been supported by an European research project : VIBES from the FP6.

Poster presented at PowerMEMS'05 (PDF)
Related publications :
M.Marzencki, S.Basrour, B.Charlot, S.Spirkovich, M.Colin, "A MEMS Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting Device", in PowerMEMS 05, Nov 28-30, Tokyo, Japan.
Y.Ammar, A.Buhrig, M.Marzencki, B.Charlot, S.Basrour, K.Matou and M.Renaudin, "Wireless sensor network node with asynchronous architecture and vibration harvesting micro power generator", in SoC-EUSAI, Smart Objects & Ambient Intelligence, October 12th - 14th 2005, Grenoble, France.
M.Marzencki, S.Basrour, B.Charlot, M.Colin, L.Valbin, "Design and fabrication of piezoelectric micro power generators for autonomous microsystems", Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP?05, 01-03 June 2005, Montreux, Switzerland.
G.Despesse, T.Jager, J.J.Chaillout, J.M.leger, A.Vassilev, S.Basrour and B.Charlot, "Fabrication and characterization of high damping electrostatic micro devices for vibration energy scavenging", Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, DTIP'05, 01-03 June 2005, Montreux, Switzerland.
M.Marzencki, S.Basrour and B.Charlot, "Design, modelling and optimisation of integrated piezoelectric micro power generator", Modeling and Simulation of MEMS, MSM'05, Anaheim, California, USA, 8-12 Mai 2005.