Benoît CHARLOT / Diy Cameras / Meoblad

The Meoblad is a 6x4,5 medium format camera that uses and old hasselblad film back and an enlarger lens.

meopta + 16s hasselblad back

The camera is based on the stenoblad pinhole where the pinhole is replaced with an enlarger lens. A 50mm Meopta Anaret enlarger lens is attached in front of the pronter press shutter, the latter being srwed on the wood box and attached to the hassy back. That's all.


Well, there is a diphragm, there is a shutter but there is no focusing system. Right! it is a fix focus camera. I tune the lens to film distance by placing a calque paper at the place of the film and manage to have a focus for a distance of about 50cm. That is a close fic focus camera, something for portraits.

See the full set on flickr

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