Benoît CHARLOT / Diy Cameras / Stenoblad

The stenoblad is a pinhole (stenope) camera that uses old hasselblad film backs.

The camera is made with an old pronter press shutter placed in front of a pinhole and mounted in a wood box. An old hasselblad back (A12 or A16) is used as film cartridge. the two pieces are maintained with aluminium parts to fit the hassy back closing system so that you can easily change the back. Note that recent hasselblad film back (12 or 16) won't allow you to manually wind the film.

The inside of the black box is painted with mat black. The pinhole is made with a piece of aluminium foil by piercing with a sharp needle and polishing both sides. The diameter of the pinhole is measured with a microscope to set the adequate f number. Focal length 30mm (super wide), hole diameter 200 microns, f 150. You can design your pinhole here.

The result is quite sharp images for a pinhole, very wide angle but a shadow caused by the shutter (to be solved...).

It is also possible to use 6x4,5 cm negative (16 views with a 120 film)

See the full set on flickr

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