RADLAS (RADiation Analysis LASer Facilities Day) is the 4th thematic day dedicated to the laser based methodologies used to help the radiation sensitivity assessment. For the first year, its scope is also extended to other complementary test means for the SEE studies such as 14MeV neutron generators or Xrays. The presentations will be given to cover the fundamentals and recent and promising trends of laser and other complementary testing methods as well as how these methods could be used in an industrial frame and acknowledged in standards.
This year, RADLAS is organized as a joint thematic day of the CNRS ERRATA Research Group and the RADECS association.
The workshop is based on invited and contributed presentations describing different aspects of the laser testing technique as well as real case studies.
The intended audience includes both beginning and experienced
researchers, engineers, and students wishing to share and enhance
their knowledge base on this topic.