LES JEUDIS DE L'IES (27-02-2014)

Master Student in Industrial Automation
Teaching assistant
National University of Colombia

Travaux en collaboration avec
César Polanco, Professor, District University
Flavio Prieto, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, National University of Colombia
Loïc Brancheriau, Scientist, AMAP, RU 51, CIRAD-Montpellier
Computer vision techniques for wood characterisation

Wood industry is one of the most important around the world, related to the use of natural resources. Deforestation rates and forest loss for natural reasons are worrying factors in local governments. Therefore, different techniques are available to do wood managing according to the species. Wood species identification could be achieved through the study of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. At microscopic level, one approach is the use of characteristics that are related to the anatomical structure, mainly composed by 4 differents elements in hardwoods : pores, rays, fibers and parenchyma.
In this talk, we will present some results on the application of different computer vision techniques for wood characterisation from microscopic images. We will also present some outlook work related to the interpretation of acoustic tomography images.


Jeudi 27 février 2014 à 13h45
Salle des séminaires de l'IES, bât 21, 4è étage
Contact : Emmanuel Le Clézio