Benoît CHARLOT / Research / Neuro Chips

This research activity is made in close collaboration with Fabrice BARDIN, IES, University of Nîmes

Neuro chips : Microfluidics for neuroscience

Cooperation with GIN: Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences

The goal of this project is to build microfluidic circuits to adress specific experiments in neurosciences. Compartimentalized Neuron culture in microfluidics allows to create neuronal junctions (such as cortico striatal junctions) in vitro that are models of brain diseases. Microfluidic neuron culture devices contain arrays of microchannel to separate cell bodies and axons and allows the creation of effective neuronal junctions. By adding Micro Electrode Arrays (MEA) below the microfluidic circuit it is then possible to stimulate and record the activities of these junctions under different stress conditions. With advanced fluorescence and labelling techniques it is also possible to study axonal trafficking under electrostimulation.

neuro chip

Microfluidic Neuron Culture Chamber with integrated microelectrode array

Neuron growth guidance by substrate nanostructuration

Cooperation with INM: Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier

The goal of this project is to promote the directional growth of dorsal root ganglion neurons by using a structured substrate. The growth cone of neurons is able to sense the topography of a substrate, by using a nanograting that has spatial period with the same size of lamellipodes it is possible to induce a polarisation of the axonal growth.


Polarised growth of Dorsal root ganglion neuron cultured on nanograting

Related publications :

  • B.Charlot, M.Lechelon, F.Bardin, R.Teissier, L.Paris, J.Valmier, "Axonal growth guidance by surface nano-topology for the regeneration of sensori motor neurons", IEEE EMBS Neural engineering conference, Montpellier, France, (2015)

  • PEG-DMA microstructued substrate for cell growth guidance

    Cooperation with INM: Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier

    PEG-DMA copolymers are biocompatible hydrogels that can by photopolymerized and shaped to produce neuronal growth patterns. These structures are an alternative solution for cell culture that stands between microfluidics and adhesion protein stamping.


    Dorsal root ganglion neuron cultured on PEG-DMA photopolymerised microstructures substrate

    Related publications :

  • B.Charlot, M. Lechelon, F.Bardin, L.Paris, C.Lasbleiz, "Substrat microstucture en PEGDMA pour la croissance axonale dirigee", Materiaux 2014, 24-28 Novembre 2014, Montpellier,