Benoît CHARLOT / Diy Cameras / 4x5 camera

This is un update of the simple 4x5 camera, it embeds this time an Industar 51, 210mm lens from Russia. The lens has no shutter, but a cap can do the function (with ahem..., lower precision)

Only the front panel and the focusing system has changed. The bellows, made from a simple black cardboard has been reused.

The focusing system is made from pieces of "bamboo parquet",that has a gorge used here as a linear sliding rail. A little oil and it slides enough. The front frame is attached to the bottom rail. The attachment of the lensboard to the front panel is made with screws and bolts that can slide in a wide opening

The camera has several movements such as vertical shift and two axis tilt

The bellows can extend a little so that it is possible to focus for portrait. from 210mm for infinity up to 400mm. The focusing is made on the groundglass by manually sliding the front panel, a screw locks the rail when the focus is ok.

Example image shot on paper. direct positive from a reversal process, Ilford RC paper

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