
We develop Micro and Nanosystems, Microfluidics, and Photonics to study cell biology and experimental biophysics, with a particular focus on single cell analysis, blood physics and neuroscience. The research is led by Benoît CHARLOT.


Best wishes for the new year 2025 !

The first international workshop on Biophysics of airborne Inffection will take place in Montpellier next June 2025.
more informations.

March 2024: call for Ph.D candidates, PACMAN project at IDIL graduate program, Development of a multi-well microelectrode microfluidic platform for in vitro stimulation and recording of human neuromuscular junctions, in collaboration with Florence RAGE at IGMM, more informations.

January 2024: The valorization project Screening & Fluidics has been launched

July 2023: Our paper on Protruding Cantilever Micro Electrode Array to monitor the inner electrical activity of cerebral organoids as been accepted for publication in Lab On a Chip. A collaboration with Raphael Gaudin team at IRIM Montpellier.

August 2022: The paper of our collaborators from IRIM is online. Viro-fluidics : a microfluidic device that captures single cells and quantifies the number of virions released over time, for real-time analysis of virus production kinetics. Published in Biophysical reports.

July. 2022: Audrey received the best poster award at the NMI MEA Meeting in Tübingen, Germany.

July. 2022: ANR project Diamochip has been accepted.

The conference Blood Tissue Interfaces will be organised next October in Montpellier, registrations are open

Sept. 2021: New paper on Neuromuscular junction on MEA has been published in Lab On a Chip

July 2021: ANR research projects "DILI-on Chip" and "CIBORG" have been accepted

Publication in NanoLetters on Photonic force microscope
High-Resolution Photonic Force Microscopy Based on Sharp Nanofabricated Tips

Un microscope à force photonique haute résolution pour observer des cellules biologiques

The image of the vascular network has been selected as one of the best science images of the year in Nature
Nature best science images of the year: 2019 in pictures

Neurofluidics 2019 conference was organised in Montpellier.
November 28-29, 2018, Montpellier (France)

Benoit Charlot has been laureate of the scientific photo constest "La preuve par l'image" organised by CNRS
La preuve par l'image

Microtas Conference 2019 in switzerland. Oral presentation on blood vasculature microfluidics.
pdf of the slides

NMJ-on-chip project (Neuro Muscular Junction on a chip) has been funded by Isite MUSE, Montpellier Université d'Excellence. Collaborative research project with IGMM, Phymedexp, Laboratoires Charles Coulomb and IBMM.

BioMP team joins the Smartvista European research project.
Development of a Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring.


We are a research team within the Institute of Electronics and Systems in Montpellier, France. We are developping Microfluidics, Microsystems and Biophotonics to perform experiments on cells in vitro. We focus on neuroscience, single cell analysis via physical trapping but also in blood physics and engineering of trapped particles in optical tweezers. We have a specialty in developping microfluidics with sensors and actuators.

Microfluidic systems for neuroscience

Compartmentalized microfluidics are devices that allow the in-vitro reconstitution of neuronal circuits using primary cultures of different neuronal populations. We design and build these devices for the reconstruction of cortico-cortical networks in which each compartment (presynaptic, synaptic and postsynaptic) is identified (space compartmentalization) and in which the progression from axonal growth to synapse regulation is controlled (time compartmentalization). The device consists of two opposite neuronal chambers that communicate via an intermediate synaptic chamber through long microchannels on one side (to select axons only) and short ones on the other side (to allow dendrites to reach the synaptic chamber). This configuration allows the reconstruction of axono-dendritic contacts between two cortical populations such as those found between cortical layers in vivo. In addition we also developp Neuro muscular junctions on chip and we integrate specific microelectrode arrays to stimulate and record the electrical activities of cells.

Related Publications

O.Phouphetlinthong, E.Partiot, C.Bernou, A.Sebban, R.Gaudin, B.Charlot, “Protruding Cantilever Micro Electrode Array to monitor the inner electrical activity of cerebral organoids”,
Lab Chip, (2023).

P.Duc, M.Vignes, G.Hugon, A.Sebban, G.Carnac, E.Malyshev, B.Charlot, F.Rage, “Human neuromuscular junction on micro-structured microfluidic devices implemented with a custom micro electrode array (MEA)”,
Lab Chip, (2021).

E.Moutaux, B.Charlot, A.Genoux, F.Saudou, M.Cazorla "An integrated microfluidic/microelectrode array for the study of activity-dependent intracellular dynamics in neuronal networks",
Lab Chip (2018).

A.Virlogeux, E.Moutaux, W.Christaller, A.Genoux, J.Bruyère, B.Charlot, M.Cazorla, F.Saudou, “Reconstituting Corticostriatal Network On-a-Chip Reveals the Contribution of the Presynaptic Compartment to Huntington’s Disease”,
Cell Reports 22-1 (2018).

E.Moutaux, W.Christaller, C.Scaramuzzino, A.Genoux, B.Charlot, M.Cazorla, F.Saudou “A Neuronal network maturation differently affects axonal transport of secretory vesicles and mitochondria”,
Scientific Reports, 8:13429, (2018).

Trapped Particles Nano engineering

In collaboration with Francesco PEDACI's group : Single-molecule angular dynamics group at CBS, Montpellier

Optical tweezers are a scientific instrument that allow particles with an optical index different from the liquid medium in which they are immersed to be trapped in the waist of a laser beam. This technique, invented by Arthur Ashkin and for which he won the Nobel Prize in 2018, allows many biophysical experiments to be carried out using trapped particles as actuators of unique molecules. In order to broaden the range of biophysics experiments, we are working with Francesco Pedaci team at CBS Montpellier to develop specific particles that allow functions to be added to them and broader problems to be addressed. This is why we are developing collective microfabrication processes that produce millions of particles with specific dimensions and shapes for optical tweezers experiments. The first work we carried out concerned the rotation of cylindrical particles trapped under optical tweezers. By micromachining solid quartz, that is birefringent, we have designed conical cylindrical particles that can be driven in rotation by the effect of a rotating polarization of the trapping beam. The second part of our particle engineering work consisted in developing cylindrical particles with refined tips to implement a near-field imaging technique called Photonic Force Microscopy.

Related Publications

R.Desgarceaux, Z.Santybayeva, E.Battistella, A.L.Nord, C.Braun-Breton, M.Abkarian, O.M.Maragò, B.Charlot, F.Pedaci, "High-Resolution Photonic Force Microscopy Based on Sharp Nanofabricated Tips",
Nano Letters, (2020).

Z.Santybayeva, A.Meghit, R.Desgarceaux, R.Teissier, F.Pichot, Marin, B.Charlot, F.Pedaci, "Fabrication of quartz micro-cylinders by laser interference lithography for angular optical tweezers",
SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, 15(3), 034507 (2016).

Z.Santybayeva, A.Meghit, Marin, R.Desgarceaux, R.Teissier, B.Charlot and F.Pedaci, "Birefringent quartz micro cylinders for angular optical tweezers",
MicroTAS 2016, The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and, Life Sciences, 9-13 October 2016.

Principle of the photonic force microscope principle and SEM image of collective fabrication of nanoparticles holding sharp tips.


In collaboration with Manouk ABKARIAN's group : hemophysique at CBS, Montpellier

Blood is a non-Newtonian complex fluid consisting of a dense suspension of cells in plasma. Blood is also a shear-thinning, it means that its viscosity drops when the shear rate increases. In order to study hemophysics, and in particular how blood flows into vascular networks, we are working at the development of microfluidic based experiments to investigate the behaviour of blood in different shear rate regimes, vessel topology using replicas of blood vasculature. We also have been working at the development of an ultrasonic pulse echo device that can sense the liquid/gel/solid transition of sessile droplet evaporating. This research activity is funded by the Labex NUMEV within the frame of the Rheoblood project.

Related Publications

M.Fenech, V.Girod, V.Claveria, S.Meance, M.Abkarian and B.Charlot "Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography",
Lab on a Chip, (2019).

L.Lanotte, D.Laux, B.Charlot and M.Abkarian, "Interconnected role of red cells and plasma on the evaporation of blood sessile drops",
Phys. Rev. E. 96, 053114 (2017).

T.Xu, M.A.Lizarralde-Iragorri, B.Charlot, J.Roman, O.Français, W.El Nemer, B.Le Pioufle, “Bioimpedance single cell sensing of low and high density sickle erythrocytes using microfluidics”,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, Vol.10, 100140, 2022.

L.Lanotte, D.Laux, B.Charlot and M.Abkarian, "Ultrasound pulse echo analysis of blood aggregation in microfluidics",
MicroTAS 2016, The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and, Life Sciences, 9-13 October 2016.

Ultrasound analysis of liquid / gel / solid transistion in drying blood droplets.

SEM image of SU8 mold for the replication of microcirculation circuits.

RBCs flowing in a vasculature replica.

Neuron Light Interactions

The optical stimulation of neurons from pulsed infrared lasers has appeared over the last years as an alternative to classical electric stimulations based on conventional electrodes. Laser stimulation could provide a better spatial selectivity allowing single-cell stimulation without prerequisite contact. In this work we present relevant physical characteristics of a non-lethal stimulation of cultured mouse vestibular and retinal ganglion neurons by single infrared laser pulses.

Related Publications

L.Paris, I.Marc, B.Charlot, M.Dumas, J.Valmier, F.Bardin, Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 4568-4578 (2017) "Millisecond infrared laser pulses depolarize and elicit action potentials on in-vitro dorsal root ganglion neurons",
Biomed. Opt. Express 8, pp. 4568-78, (2017).
doi: 10.1364/BOE.8.004568

L.Paris, M.Burland, P.Quintana, J.M.Bec, L.Diouloufet, C.Sar, H.Boukhaddaoui, B.Charlot, J.Braga Silva, M.Chammas, V.Sieso, J.Valmier and F.Bardin, "Neurite growth acceleration of adult Dorsal Root Ganglion neurons illuminated by low-level Light Emitting Diode light at 645 nm",
Journal of Biophotonics 1-9 (2014).
doi: 10.1063/1.4863575

J.M.Bec et al., "Characteristics of laser stimulation by near infrared pulses of retinal and vestibular primary neurons",
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine , 44(9), (2012).
doi : 10.1002/lsm.22078

Infrared laser shots triggers action potentials in neurons.


Journal Papers


E.Partiot, A.Hirschler, S.Colomb, W.Lutz, T.Claeys, F.Delalande, M.S Deffieu, Y.Bare, J.RE Roels, B.Gorda, J.Bons, D.Callon, L.Andreoletti, M.Labrousse, F.M.J Jacobs, V.Rigau, B.Charlot, L.Martens, C.Carapito, G.Gowrishankar, R.Gaudin, “Brain exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virions perturbs synaptic homeostasis”, Nature Microbiology,1-18 (2024).

E.Partiot, B.Gorda, W.Lutz, S.Lebrun, P.Khalfi, S.Mora, B.Charlot, K.Majzoub, S.Desager, G.Gowrishankar, S.Colomb, R.Gaudin, “Organotypic culture of human brain explants as a preclinical model for AI-driven antiviral studies”, EMBO Mol Med, (2024). open access


O.Phouphetlinthong, E.Partiot, C.Bernou, A.Sebban, R.Gaudinb, B.Charlot, “Protruding Cantilever Micro Electrode Array to monitor the inner electrical activity of cerebral organoids”, Lab on a Chip, (2023). open access


Q.Hanniet, E.Petit, S.Calas-Etienne, P.Etienne, K. Aissou, C.Gervais, P.Miele, B.Charlot, C.Salameh, “Rational design of SiBCN microstructures using direct photolithography of patternable preceramic photoresists”, Materials & Design, 111234, (2022).

J.Eid, M.Socol, A.Naillon, J.Feuillard, L.Ciandrini, E.Margeat, B.Charlot, M.Mougel, “Viro-fluidics: Real-time analysis of virus production kinetics at the single-cell level”, Biophysical Reports,100068, (2022). open access

T.Xu, M.A.Lizarralde-Iragorri, B.Charlot, J.Roman, O.Français, W.El Nemer, B.Le Pioufle, “Bioimpedance single cell sensing of low and high density sickle erythrocytes using microfluidics”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, Vol.10, 100140, (2022).


P.Duc, M.Vignes, G.Hugon, A.Sebban, G.Carnac, E.Malyshev, B.Charlot, F.Rage, “Human neuromuscular junction on micro-structured microfluidic devices implemented with a custom micro electrode array (MEA)”, Lab on a Chip, 21, 4223-4236, (2021). open access

C.Jolly, A.Gomez, D.Sánchez‐Fuentes, D.Cakiroglu, R.Rathar, N.Maurin, R.Garcia‐Bermejo, B.Charlot, M.Gich, M.Bahriz, L.Picas, A.Carretero‐Genevrier, “Soft‐Chemistry‐Assisted On‐Chip Integration of Nanostructured α‐Quartz Microelectromechanical System”, Advanced Materials Technologies, 6-3, 2000831, (2021).

T.Xu, M.Yehya, A.S.Dahiya, T.Gil, P.Bideaux, J.Thireau, A.Lacampagne, B.Charlot, A.Todri-Sanial, “Dedicated Wearable Sensitive Strain Sensor, based on Carbon Nanotubes, for Monitoring the Rat Respiration Rate”, Eng. Proc., 10(1), 27; (2021)


A.S.Dahiya, T.Gil, J.Thireau, N.Azemard, A.Lacampagne, B.Charlot, A.Todri‐Sanial "1D Nanomaterial‐Based Highly Stretchable Strain Sensors for Human Movement Monitoring and Human–Robotic Interactive Systems", Advanced Electronic Materials, (2020).

R.Desgarceaux, Z.Santybayeva, E.Battistella, A.L.Nord, C.Braun-Breton, M.Abkarian, O.M.Maragò, B.Charlot, F.Pedaci, "High-Resolution Photonic Force Microscopy Based on Sharp Nanofabricated Tips", Nano Letters, (2020).

M.Bomers, B.Charlot, F.Barho, A.Chanuel, A.Mezy, L.Cerutti, F.Gonzalez-Posada, T. Taliercio, "Microfluidic surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy with semiconductor plasmonics for the fingerprint region", Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 5 124-135, (2020).


Q.Zhang, D.Sanchez-Fuentes, R.Desgarceaux, A.Gomez, P.Escofet-Majoral, J.Oro-solé, J.Gàzquez, G.Larrieu, B.Charlot, A.Gomez, M.Gich, A.Carretero-Genevrier, "Micro/Nanostructure engineering of epitaxial piezoelectric α-quartz thin films on silicon", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, (2019).

A.S.Dahiya, M.Dhifallah, N.Ullberg, J.Thireau, J.Boudaden, S.Lal, T.Gil, N.Azemard, P.Ramm, T.Kiessling, C.O'Murchu, C.Glynn, M.Morrissey, F.Sebelius, J.Tilly, U.Gulzar, C.O’Dwyer, K.M. Razeeb, A.Lacampagne, and B.Charlot, A.Todri-Sanial, "Energy autonomous wearable sensors for smart healthcare: A Review", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167-3, (2019).

M.Fenech, V.Girod, V.Claveria, S.Meance, M.Abkarian and B.Charlot, "Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography", Lab on a Chip 19, 2096-2106(2019).

Q.Zhang, D.Sánchez-Fuentes, A.Gómez, R.Desgarceaux, B.Charlot, J.Gàzquez, A.Carretero-Genevrier, M.Gich, "Tailoring the crystal growth of quartz on silicon for patterning epitaxial piezoelectric films", Nanoscale Advances 9, (2019).


E.Moutaux, B.Charlot, A.Genoux, F.Saudou, M.Cazorla "An integrated microfluidic/microelectrode array for the study of activity-dependent intracellular dynamics in neuronal networks", Lab on a Chip 18, 3425-3435 (2018).

A.Virlogeux, E.Moutaux, W.Christaller, A.Genoux, J.Bruyère, B.Charlot, M.Cazorla, F.Saudou, “Reconstituting Corticostriatal Network On-a-Chip Reveals the Contribution of the Presynaptic Compartment to Huntington’s Disease”, Cell Reports 22-1 (2018).

E.Moutaux, W.Christaller, C.Scaramuzzino, A.Genoux, B.Charlot, M.Cazorla, F.Saudou “Neuronal network maturation differently affects axonal transport of secretory vesicles and mitochondria”, Scientific Reports, 8:13429, (2018).

D.Coglitore, N.Giamblancoa, A.Kizalaite, P.E.Coulon, B.Charlot, J.M.Janot, S.Balme, “Unexpected Hard Protein Behavior of BSA on Gold Nanoparticle Caused by Resveratrol”, Langmuir 34, 30, 8866–8874 (2018).

N.Giamblancoa, D.Coglitorea, JJ.M.Janot, P.E.Coulon, B.Charlot, S.Balme,“Detection of protein aggregate morphology through single antifouling nanopore”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 260, pp.736-745, (2018).


L.Lanotte, D.Laux, B.Charlot and M.Abkarian, "Role of red cells and plasma composition on blood sessile droplet evaporation", Phys. Rev. E. 96, 053114, (2017).

J.Milla-Rodrigo, F.Barho, F.González-Posada, L.Cerutti, B.Charlot, M.Bomers, F.Neubrech, E. Tournie, T.Taliercio, "Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption with Si-doped InAsSb/GaSb nano-antennas", Optics Express 25(2), pp. 26651-61, (2017).

L.Paris, I.Marc, B.Charlot, M.Dumas, J.Valmier, F.Bardin, Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 4568-4578 (2017) "Millisecond infrared laser pulses depolarize and elicit action potentials on in-vitro dorsal root ganglion neurons", Biomed. Opt. Express 8, pp. 4568-78, (2017).

J.Weiss, Q.Schwaab, Y.Boucetta, A.Giani, C.Guigue, P.Combette, B.Charlot "Simulation and testing of a MEMS calorimetric shear-stress sensor", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 253, pp. 210-217 (2017).


A.Virlogeux, M.Cazorla, J.Bruyere, W.Christaller, A.Genoux, B.Charlot, F.Saudou, "B41 HD on chip: reconstituting the cortico-striatal network on microfluidics to study intracellular trafficking and synaptic transmission", J. Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 87:Suppl 1 A23-A24 (2016).

S.Balme, P.E.Coulon, M.Lepoitevin, B.Charlot, N.Yandrapalli, C.Favard, D.Muriaux, M.Bechelany, J-M.Janot, "Influence of adsorption on proteins and amyloids detection by silicon nitride nanopore", Langmuir, 32 (35), pp 8916-8925, (2016).

Z.Santybayeva, A.Meghit, R.Desgarceaux, R.Teissier, F.Pichot, Marin, B.Charlot, F.Pedaci, "Fabrication of quartz micro-cylinders by laser interference lithography for angular optical tweezers", SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, 15(3), 034507 (2016).


A.Leroy, C.Bony, C.Pinese, B.Charlot, X.Garric, D.Noël, J.Coudane, “PLA-poloxamer/poloxamine copolymers for ligament tissue engineering: sound macromolecular design for degradable scaffolds and MSC differentiation”, Biomaterials Science, 3, pp. 617-626, (2015).

B.Charlot, D.Coudouel, F.Very, P.Combette, A.Giani, “Droplet generation for thermal transient stimulation of pyroelectric PZT element”, Sensors and Actuators A : 225, pp.103-110, (2015).


B.Charlot, R.Teissier, M.Drac, E.Schwob, “DNA on rails: Combing DNA fibers on nanogratings”, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 243701 (2014).

L.Paris, M.Burland, P.Quintana, J.M.Bec, L.Diouloufet, C.Sar, H.Boukhaddaoui, B.Charlot, J.Braga Silva, M.Chammas, V.Sieso, J.Valmier and F.Bardin, “Neurite growth acceleration of adult Dorsal Root Ganglion neurons illuminated by low-level Light Emitting Diode light at 645 nm”, Journal of Biophotonics 8-6, pp.480-488 (2014).

B.Charlot, F.Bardin, N.Sanchez, P.Roux, S.Teixeira and E.Schwob, “Elongated unique DNA strand deposition on microstructured substrate by receding meniscus assembly and capillary force”, Biomicrofluidics 8, 014103 (2014).

Full list of publications (pdf)


Our research is granted by the University of Montpellier and CNRS but also by the Labex NUMEV, laboratory of excellence on digital and hardware solutions for environment and life sciences, and by public foundations such as Fondation pour le recherche médicale and fondation pour la recherche sur le cerveau.

Labex NUMEV FRM : Fondation pour
la recherche médicale
FRC: Fédération pour
la recherche sur le cerveau

MUSE: Montpellier
University of excellence
ANR : Agence Nationale
de la Recherche
The EU Joint Programme
on Neurodegenerative Disease Research

The Lab

The lab is located in Building 5, St Priest Campus in Montpellier, France.

860 rue de Saint Priest, Bâtiment 5
34097 Montpellier, France



  • Benoît CHARLOT, Ph.D
    CNRS researcher
    Principal Investigator

  • Remy

    Remy FULCRAND, Ph.D
    CNRS research engineer
    Joint position with CBS Montpellier

  • Léa

    Léa VUIART
    Ph.D Student
    NMJ-on-Chip project

  • Evelio

    CTO, Valorisation Engineer
    Screening & Fluidics

  • Oramany

    Ph.D Student
    NMJ-on-Chip project

  • Azza

    Ph.D Student
    Optical tweezers


Audrey Sebban

Tristan Desgardin

Karim Saade

Leo Coudène

Patricia Loren

Sebastien Meance

Pauline Duc

Margot Bellenguez

Theo Marhuenda

Chloé Landreau

Olivier Kaakeh

Clarisse Montet

Tieying Xu

Abhishek Dahiya

Rudy Desgarceaux

Eugene Malyshev

Antoine Legrain

Vincent Girod

Selma Alouach

Afef Houachtia